Sunday, January 25, 2009

Tip of the day

How to make it through Target with a crazy 19 month old!

1. Upon entering the store head straight to the snack bar and get a juice box. I know I could bring my own but for some reason buying one there is so much cooler to him :)

2. Part way through trip pick a spot for him to run around like a crazy person. I like the shoe department, because there is nothing to break and not too much to pull off the shelves!

3. Toward the end of the trip when he is getting tired of being in the cart, but before he is throwing a complete tantrum, find a snack in the food section. My personal favorites are the organic mango cashew granola bars. Organic, no peanuts, and not too messy!

4. At the cash register let him hold the credit card and put it in the machine. Also he really likes to help me sign my name.

5. Leave the store happy and stress free :)

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

Those are some GREAT thoughts! I can just see you doing that!