Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Day In The Life Spring 2013

Once again I'm following along with Laura at and doing a day in the life post.  Check out her website, she is doing a week in the life!  I am very impressed... one day is enough for me!

7:00- Kaylee is up (she may have been up before this with her dad, but I can't remember for sure) and she comes into my room asking for a Popsicle.  I comply with this request since they are 100% juice and I'm too tired to argue about it.

7:15- Jason carries Brady to the couch and he requests leftover Indian food from last night.  Back story he has been sicker the past 4 days than he has EVER been with a stomach bug.  When he was finally feeling better last night he wanted nothing but Indian food.  He is supposed to be on the BRAT diet with plain chicken and eggs added in... so I managed to find some fairly simple yellow curry chicken with rice.  I guess it is close enough and I really want him to try to go to school today so I let it pass.  He is very crabby and is insisting he needs another stay home day...

Jason's not again face ;)

 8:01- After many fights (and not being able to take any pictures of the getting ready process because of the resistance to clothes, and shoes, and getting in the car- think of trying to dress a wiggling mannequin) we finally get in the car to go to school.  I like to leave by 7:55 at the latest.  Without traffic it only takes us 3 minutes to get to school, but if there is any traffic around the school it makes it much longer.
8:06- At school without too much traffic.  Brady is in a better mood finally but still moving slowly.  He also takes 20 pictures of "pretty trees" and his sister along with this shot of the line of cars heading up to the school.

8:07- Slowly make our way up to the building, while waiting for Brady to get out of the car we take a quick self portrait.  I also enjoy taking walking up to the building pictures :)

8:10- We have to make a drink stop on the way into his classroom.  It takes him a while to make his way into the classroom and get settled and I talk to his teacher for a bit about how sick he was and how I don't want him to do P.E. today since he is just finally feeling better.  She is very sweet about it all and tells him that if he gets tired he can put his head down on his desk and rest.
8:15- Kaylee wants to try swinging on the "baby swing" out on the playground, but since it is so cold and damp I am pretty sure that the swings are going to be wet.  She disagrees so I decide to let her touch the swing and decide if it is too wet.  She says it is dry and sits on the swing.
8:16- Her butt is all wet from the swing and she is very put out about this.  (The next day when she wanted to swing again and went and touched the swing and found it wet she chose not to swing! Mission natural consequence complete!)
8:20- Why April?  Thank god there is no snow!(sorry Laura!)
8:25- Our greeter and one of the gardens.
 8:31- Kaylee is changing and I Facetime with my mom.
 8:35- Kaylee is done with her first change of the day and we start working on breakfast.  I make a mix of turkey and thicken eggs and add a Trader Joe's goat cheese medallion.  My kids love those plain by the way, they are a great snack just don't forget a spoon!  I also re-heat coffee (no microwave anymore so it is in a pan on the stove) and slice an apple to share with Kaylee.

 8:45- Little Miss insists that she needs her owl plate for breakfast but it is dirty. She perches in her favorite spot while I wash it.

 8:47- YUMMY!
 9:15- Done with breakfast and off Facetime with my mom so I start the lovely process of de-tangling Kaylee's hair.  This goes pretty well this morning since I have the camera set up and she watches herself making funny faces while I brush her hair.

 9:30- Done and dressed. Ponytail and a headband today!  Plus new (to us) shoes that she shows off for the picture.

 9:35- I quickly do my hair and change out of yoga pants.  She also tells me what snacks she would like to take to the babysitter today and packs them in her bag along with an extra set of clothes.  She packs a dress along with a sweatsuit for her spare outfit.
 9:45- All ready to go to the babysitter.
 9:46- Kaylee attempts to take a full picture of me and does a pretty good job for a 2 1/2 year old! (Yes I'm holding her baby in this picture!)
 9:47- Head out the door to take Kaylee to the babysitter so I can go volunteer in Brady's classroom.

 9:55- On our way we spot the city flushing a fire hydrant!  Fun!
 10:00- Heading in to the babysitter!  My big girl!
 10:15- I'm at school to volunteer and I stop in the restroom and snap this picture of myself since the full length one earlier wasn't so good.  
 10:15-11:45- I volunteer in Brady's classroom once a week.  Today his teacher gave me this basket of books and had me listen to some kids read.  I do different things every week.  I particularly liked doing this one though.  It is fun to hear Kindergarteners learning to read!  I stay through Brady's lunch (where he gets mad at me because I didn't pack him Indian Food) and then head out to pick up Kaylee from the babysitter.
 12:00- Home from the babysitter and Kaylee insists she needs to change into pants so she can swing outside and does this right inside the door.  The cat keeps sneaking in and Kaylee keeps yelling at him to get out.  We also call a friend on our way home from the babysitter to see if she wants to have a playdate this afternoon but we don't get an answer.
 12:05- Swings!
 12:07- Never mind too cold and windy!
 12:10- Kaylee insists that I call her friend again and send her mom a message.  Until we hear back from her just before 1:00 Kaylee has this look and asks over and over for her friend.
 12:20-Lunch! Reheated mac and cheese, one bite of a banana,  and several strawberries.  The rest of the banana and lots of strawberries for me.  I'm still not very good about feeding myself since I went gluten free.  I do end up eating some nuts and random things later, but this was not my best lunch.  I should have at least had some peanut butter with the fruit.
 1:00- At her friends house!  They play until it is time to pick up Brady from school.  We end up walking from her friend's house to get Brady and then come back for a massive playdate with all of the older siblings.  10 kids and 5 adults is a big playdate!  We stay until right before 5:00.

 5:10- Brady needs to crash on the couch desperately for a while so I let him watch Diego while Kaylee and I get some frozen pizza ready to go. Brady has more leftover Indian food.

 6:00- Brady is still weak and tired from being sick but we push on and go to the district art show at the high school.
 6:05- The Artist!  His is quite abstract ;)

6:30- Back home for bedtime.  Jason has a meeting at 7:00 so we had to hurry through and also Brady just wasn't up for much more than we did.  Jason had also promised him that they would start working on his new rocket so they quickly read the directions before he has to head out.

 6:50- Someone is TIRED!
 7:05- Bedtime for Kaylee!  She insists on listening to "Who who" which is "Big Black Horse and a Cherry Tree" by KT tunstall.  We also listen to it on repeat until she falls asleep.  Luckily I like this song.

Walking her to sleep

Sleeping dog and the view out my window while walking her to sleep
View of the new chicken coop Jason just built.
7:17 Kaylee is asleep and I catch this hysterical picture of her... her first duck face selfie ;)
7:20- Kaylee is down and I start on Brady's bedtime.  Usually Jason does Brady's bedtime while I get Kaylee down.
7:21- Brady brings home a book from school everyday and reads it out loud to one of us.  We  sign a paper that says he read it and whether it was easy, just right, or hard.  This is the book he brought home tonight.
7:23- One of the pages to show what he is reading.  This book was long for him, but he liked it and it actually was easy for him which surprised me since it was up two levels from what he had been reading. 

7:30- Since he missed the first 3 days of school this week he only had one night to do his homework.  It was quick though luckily. (We flew kites last weekend so I counted that and we decided to do the nature scavenger hunt over this weekend.)

7:45- Jason gets home right as we are finishing homework and Brady insists on a chapter of the Boxcar children book they have been reading.  We decide that even though it is late we will allow it.  He proceeds to stall saying he is hungry but refuses to eat anything we offer (finally ends up eating a banana) and doesn't get to bed at a very good time.  This makes for another unpleasant morning the next day.  Jason and I watch Castle on hulu, and then he goes out to take care of the chickens and I pack up Brady's bag and his lunch and snack for the next day and do the dishes.  We head to bed and watch one episode of How I Met Your Mother and fall asleep half way through.

1 comment:

Navigating the Mothership said...

Poor Brady for having such a bad spring bug - glad he is feeling better.

Kaylee is adorable.

And when I see pictures of Jason I can really see "Uncle Buck" :)