Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Day in the life Fall 2012

It's that time again!  I'm following along with and doing another day in the life post.

1:00AM Kaylee is up. Bummer, she has been sleeping better than this.  We nurse and we both fall asleep in my bed but she is restless.

3:00AM and 5:00AM more nursing- this has been a long night.

7:00AM up for the day and neither of us look very happy about it!
7:05 We stagger out to the dining room and find Daddy and Brady doing rocket math

 7:10 I work on getting Brady's lunch together.  I pack it the night before but I have to heat up things in the morning.  Today his lunch is veggies (carrots, broccoli, and peppers) two clementines, a cheese stick, a hamburger, ketchup, and throat coat tea.  He has been drinking tea every day since the first day of school.  He loves it and asks for it every day!
 7:15 I set Brady's school clothes on the edge of the couch where he is playing.  He is not quite ready to get dressed.

 7:20 Kaylee is finally ready to go potty.  She doesn't like to go first thing when she wakes up.
 7:25 Brady and I race to see who can get ready first.

 7:30 I try to sit down and check e-mail and facebook before I have to get Brady to school, but Kaylee is having none of it.

 8:00 Off to school- I apparently didn't take any breakfast pictures, but the kids each had a frozen yogurt tube and mini homemade pumpkin  muffins.
 8:02 Dance party on the way to school.  I did just aimed the camera back and didn't look at what I was getting, but they turned out ok :)

 8:03 Brady catches this picture of me driving him to school and the sun rising!
 8:05 Goofball getting out of the car at school.  2 days in a row he asked me to walk him all the way to his classroom.  Usually I drop him at the door, but I don't mind walking him all the way down.
 8:20 I stopped by the library on my way home to drop off an overdue book and caught this picture at the stoplight of the scarecrow Brady's class made that is outside the ice cream shop!
 8:25-10:25 Playdate with a friend!  Kaylee has her brother's baby carrier on with a baby in the pack.
10:25-12:15 I get a call from the Montessori Preschool that I am the school manager for saying that our licensing inspector is there and I need to come over.  Our playdate gets cut short, bummer but the inspection goes well.  I have no pictures of this because it is pretty boring, but Kaylee plays in the room with us with toys and does very well.

12:15 Home!  Quick snack of a cheese stick before I get Kaylee down for her nap since it will be too short if I don't get her down soon.  She snacked all morning so I'm not worried about her missing a big lunch.
12:20 Time for a nap
12:30 She is down!

12:40 Lunch time for me- leftover salad and a veggie burger

12:45 While I eat I get some work done for my Montessori Preschool School Manager job.
1:30 Leftover birthday cake from the weekend

1:35 Packing snacks to take to watch my friends kids after school while she teaches a class.  It is so beautiful out that we are going to just play on the playground the whole time.

1:45 Time to unload and reload the dishes from the birthday party this weekend before I head to school for pick up.
2:20 Time to wake up Kaylee from her nap to go pick up kids at school and let the dog in so he doesn't go crazy outside while I'm gone.

2:35-5:00 Playground time!
5:00 I need to head to the Chiropractor and Brady asks to walk.  We have just enough time to make it there by 5:15 but I forget to take pictures.  We walk there and back and get home around 6:00.

6:00 Dinner- Chicken sausages on the grill.  Brady and Kaylee help Daddy!  There is also a lot of goofy craziness going on as usual for this time of day :)

6:25 Kaylee wants to nurse in the bed so we head back to do that and have a nice snuggle.
6:35 I need to shower and Kaylee decides to take one with me and suddenly loves the water pouring on her head.  This has never been the case before!  Brady and Daddy play.

7:00 Bed time for Brady and I head to dance.  This is not my usual dance time but I need to make up a class.
9:30 Home and Kaylee is mad that I have been gone so long.  She generally goes to bed around 9:00 so she is a little late tonight.  We nurse again and she goes right to sleep.  Jason and I watch a little hulu and then get our evening "chores" done.  He heads out to the chicken/duck/turkeys and I get Brady's lunch, snack, and clothes ready for the next day.  I also get snacks ready for Kaylee and I to head to playgroup the next day.

11:00 BED! And just for good measure I had to throw in this cute picture I took the next morning :)  And a note- Kaylee then proceeded to sleep through the night the next night!  I never know with her!

Monday, April 30, 2012

A day in the life Spring 2012

I am following along with Laura from Navigating the Mothership again and doing another day in the life post.  I did a winter one but never got it posted!  Maybe I will get inspired and post it tomorrow.  This is actually the same day of the week from the last one I posted in the fall, not on purpose just how it happened.

8:00 Breakfast- crock pot oatmeal with banana and local maple syrup (I have a good friend who makes it!) and coffee with soy milk.

8:10 Kaylee tells me "Di pa" and pats her diaper area so we go change her before we sit down to eat.
8:15 Brady loves his oatmeal and takes some pictures of his sister while he eats.  I meanwhile decide that before I can eat I need to get the beans cooking in the crock pot for dinner.  I read that you can cook dry beans in the crock pot on high for 4-6 hours without soaking them or anything and they will turn out fine.  I have been meaning to try it for months but I finally get around to it today since I need black beans for dinner and only have dry ones.  Also a random picture of all of the eggs in our fridge... I'm not crazy, we have chickens-turkeys-ducks all laying eggs right now.

8:40 Kaylee signs all done so I clean her up and realize that my food is still sitting uneaten so I reheat it and finally 40 minutes after I started breakfast I sit down to eat it... and I didn't even cook anything!

8:40-9:10 I finish eating, get Kaylee dressed, and get dressed myself.  Meanwhile Brady has taken my camera off to take a crazy number of self portraits.  While I get dressed Kaylee gets all of the cloth bags out so we are ready to go to Trader Joe's.  We do a little playing before we have to leave for the morning.  Kaylee decides that if Brother isn't going to get dressed she gets to wear his clothes!

9:10 I decide I need more coffee before venturing out and realize I am out of soy milk so I have regular milk and a little honey in my coffee.  I double check the meal plan for the week so that I am sure that I have everything we need on the grocery list and check Brady's to do list for the mornings.  If he does everything without a fuss he gets a smiley face on his chore chart.  When he gets 30 smileys then we go do something fun.

9:20-9:35 A little more play time since I'm not in a hurry this morning.  Kaylee finds some necklaces and bracelets to wear (her favorite thing to do!) and Brady makes a house with a pool out of blocks.

9:35 Time to get going to Trader Joe's.  We have a tooth brush party (the only way Brady will brush his teeth in the morning-I don't get it because he does it fine at night!) and head out.  Kaylee refuses to leave her toothbrush behind.

9:45 Everyone is buckled and ready to go.  I hand Brady the camera and he takes approximately one thousand pictures.  I think I heard a click every 10-15 seconds for quite a ways.  A few highlights of our trip down including the snacks they shared...

10:20 We made it to Trader Joe's where the kids decide to do a role reversal and sit in the spots where the other one usually sits.  This lasts about 30 seconds and I have to get them both out and switch where they are sitting.

11:00 Done at Trader Joe's where of course I spent way too much money.  We get out some snacks for the ride home.

11:20 I decide to stop at Kroger (another grocery store) just to pick up berries and bananas because the selection was not very good at Trader Joe's this morning.

11:35 Head for home and Lunch!  Kaylee has a massive fit about halfway home which Brady graciously documents for me ;)

11:50 Brady heads outside to play while I bring in the groceries and make lunch.

12:15 Lunch!  Turkey sandwiches on sprouted grain bread, raspberries, and fresh veggies with hummus.  Kaylee eats mostly hummus, and Brady and I have a lesson on how much different containers hold using our Mason jar cups.  He loves using a jar for a cup.

12:40 Kaylee takes Brady's dirty clothes from the morning to the laundry while Brady and I read one of my favorite books.

12:50 We head out for a playdate and I realize I forgot to change Kaylee's diaper.  I decide that I will just change it right there in the car since I have diapers right there in the car.  I am not so pleasantly surprised to find that it is not just wet, but poopy.   Whoops, I guess that is what I get for not wanting to walk back in the house!
1:00 We make it to the playdate and Kaylee goes straight for the trampoline and Brady goes straight for the zip line.  Usually Kaylee would be sleeping right now but I decided this morning when we got this invite that we would change our schedule and hope it worked out ok!

3:00 Kaylee and I head home from the playdate and Brady stays.  He has dance class on Monday's and the other Mom and I take turns driving the boys.  Since it was her week to drive she offered to just keep Brady and take him to class from her house.  This works out GREAT for me because Kaylee is asleep by 3:15.

3:15 I have lots I want to get done in my free time and of course I end up getting a little scattered about what I'm doing.  I start doing one thing and then halfway through start doing something else.  I end up having a very productive 2 hours anyway!  I check the beans which have cooked up great!  I'm so glad this way works and I can stop buying cans.  I freeze two jars full of beans in 16oz Mason jars for later use, put one more jar in the fridge for later this week, and leave the rest out for dinner.  I get the sweet potatoes cooking in the oven for dinner, do some laundry (yes those are tortillas and bread on the washer and dryer they are heading out to the deep freeze).

The BEST veggie cookbook- if you don't have it get it! I used it today to figure out how long to cook the sweet potatoes.
4:00 I get the quinoa cooking for dinner tomorrow and then realize I'm feeling like my blood sugar is getting low so I decide to take a break.  I have an apple with sunflower seed butter and a glass of water.

4:15 The quinoa timer goes off and I'm feeling better after putting my feet up and eating something so I get some dishes done.  I also manage to hurt myself on the baby-proofing thingy on the cabinet.

5:05 I get the sweet potatoes out of the oven and right after that Kaylee wakes up from her nap.

5:10-5:25 Kaylee nurses and I watch a little Netflix.

5:25 Daddy is home!

5:30 Jason and Kaylee run to a farm store to get some hay and I stay home and finish up dinner.  I also decide it is time for a small glass of wine since it will be a while before Kaylee is ready to nurse again.

6:00 I turn off the stove right as Jason, Kaylee, and Brady (in two separate vehicles from two separate places) come home.  Weird how that timing worked out.  We head out to check on the baby chicks and show Brady's friend the babies!

6:10 Craziness as Brady's friends leave and we try to get inside to eat dinner.

Yes my van is used to haul many interesting things in addition to the children!
6:15 We sit down to dinner!  Yummy sweet potato "cakes" with black bean salsa mix and greek yogurt!

6:30 OOPS I was supposed to call Jason's parent's on skype when we sat down to eat.  Call now!  Note that it was 5:58 when I told them we would call in 15-20 minutes and I forgot in that short amount of time.
7:00 I get a call from my forever friend Ali!  I talk to her for 30 minutes while the rest of the family continues to Skype with Grandma and Grandpa

7:30 I finish talking and find that Grandma read Brady books, both kids are in their jammies, and Grandma and Grandpa are singing songs to Brady.  I take a video of the song but promised I wouldn't post it to youtube.  The threat was definitely made though :)

7:45 Tooth-brushing time.  I am inspired by Laura and suggest that dentist Jason brush Brady's teeth.  He pretends the toothbrush is a drill.  Then we have some weird moments where both children are obsessed with my tongue.  I'm not sure how that happened.

7:55 Brady and Kaylee snuggle and then Brady says he is too tired to go to bed so I make Jason carry him into bed to avoid a struggle.
8:00 Brady is in bed quiet and Kaylee is seeming tired so Jason works on getting Kaylee to sleep while I head back to work on this post.  When everyone is sleeping and the post is done we will either watch something on Hulu/Netflix or go straight to bed.